Makiba no Shoujo Katri
This series tells the story of 9 year-old Katri, a girl who lives on a farm in Finland with her grandparents. Katri's mother has been away in Germany for three years. The farm is not doing well, so to help support her family, she goes to work on a neighboring farm. Katri faces many struggles and challenges.
Animefox is a great site to watch anime Makiba no Shoujo Katri, SUB online. You can also watch Makiba no Shoujo Katri in HD or SD quality.
Overview: This series tells the story of 9 year-old Katri, a girl who lives on a farm in Finland with her grandparents. Katri's mother has been away in Germany for three years. The farm is not doing well, so to help support her family, she goes to work on a neighboring farm. Katri faces many struggles and challenges.
Other names: Katri, Girl of the Meadows, 牧場の少女カトリ
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 49
Views: 18502
Last Added: 2019-11-14 00:44:50
Release Year: 1984
Type: TV Series
Genres: Action, Drama, Historical, Slice of Life
Animefox is a great site to watch anime Makiba no Shoujo Katri, SUB online. You can also watch Makiba no Shoujo Katri in HD or SD quality.