Marimo no Hana
The story of the manga centers around Marimo Nogami, a usually quiet fourth-grade girl in elementary school. However, a certain incident leads to Marimo's personal strength blossoming.
Animefox is a great site to watch anime Marimo no Hana, SUB online. You can also watch Marimo no Hana in HD or SD quality.
Overview: The story of the manga centers around Marimo Nogami, a usually quiet fourth-grade girl in elementary school. However, a certain incident leads to Marimo's personal strength blossoming.
Other names: Marimo no Hana: Saikyou Butouha Shougakusei Densetsu, まりもの花 ~最強武闘派小学生伝説~
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 1
Views: 1145
Last Added: 2009-12-31 16:00:00
Release Year: 2012
Type: Movie
Genres: Action, Shoujo
Animefox is a great site to watch anime Marimo no Hana, SUB online. You can also watch Marimo no Hana in HD or SD quality.